Frequently Asked Questions

  • What's is Cyber Stacking?

    Cyber Stacking refers to a Cybersecurity Technology Stack,

    The term “stack” is used because it describes layers that deliver services and exchange information to achieve a higher level service. The concept of a “cybersecurity stack” communicates that security must be an integrated set of services.
    Every layer is a particular technology with its own features.  The security stack needs to be designed from the ground up knowing that security is a vital network element.
  • What's The Difference Between IDS, IPS & Firewalls?

    The major distinction is that a firewall blocks and filters network traffic, but an IDS/IPS detects and alerts an administrator or prevents the attack, depending on configuration.

    IDS is either a hardware or software program that analyzes incoming network traffic for malicious activities or policy breaches (network behavior analysis) and issues alerts when they are detected.

    IPS is a device that inspects, detects, classifies, and proactively prevents harmful traffic.

  • Are hardware solutions better than software agents?

    Cybersecurity is about 'visibility' into network traffic. Complete Cyber Stack's utilize multiple methodologies and technologies, both hardware and software, to ensure complete visibility. n@d@r provides a multitude of integrated technologies to gain maximum visibility at an affordable cost. 

  • How does n@d@r protect my Cloud Assets and Resources?

    All Cloud data (One Drive, SharePoint, Databases, Two Factor Authentication, Dropbox, AWS, Azure, etc.) is susceptible to corruption, hacking, viruses and more. Why because all devices that connect to cloud resources are susceptible to corruption, hacking, viruses and more. 

    n@d@r protects your devices and the resources they’re connecting too.

  • What does n@d@r stand for?

    n@d@r is an acronym for;
    Network @nomaly Detection @nd Response.
    Our goal is to provide clients with an IoT device that can serve as their entire cyber stack or augment their existing cybersecurity footprint.

  • Where on my network does n@d@r reside?

    n@d@r was designed to 'sit' between a trusted and untrusted network segments. This could include monitoring your trusted 'default gateway' interface from a switch or 'sitting' between vLAN's to identify lateral transport.

  • Does n@d@r adhere to International Standards?

    Short answer is Yes, strict adhesion to IEEE OSI model and wireless standards allows n@d@r to seamlessly integrate with any network topology.

  • Will n@d@r replace my firewall?

    n@d@r is equipped with a stateful inspection firewall, however we do not recommend replacing your corporate firewall with n@d@r, as several factors come into play with that decision.

  • How is n@d@r Licensed?

    There are several components that make up a 'n@d@r subscription', as a network appliance n@d@r 'sees' every device on a network going between a trusted and untrusted network. We recommend speaking with our inside sales team to review the best options for your particular cyber security requirements.

  • What if I require additional Cybersecurity?

    Our qualified MSP/MSSP sales channel will be able to address any short falls your current cyberstack has and provide a post-n@d@r deployment assessment.

  • Does n@d@r integrate with 3rd Party SIEM/SOAR Solutions?

    Yes, as an enterprise grade cybersecurity appliance, n@d@r was designed from the ground up to provide critical threat data to todays industry leading solutions. For more information, please contact us below.

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